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Soccer Am

The greatest Tv Show EVER- Football, Comedy, Soccerettes and SHEEPHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Orange Sofa

This is where Lovejoyyyyyyyyy And Hells Bells Sit During the show with their guests.

Sheep Head

The Best Part Of The Show- Topless Weather In Association Wit' Gravy- Ooooohh Gravy-Northern Boys Love Gravy!!!!!

Soccer Am's Resident Scotch Expert

Barry is easily up there with SheepHead As Funniest Sketch-SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!! STUPID NORTHERNERS-I SED SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!

Bum Bum Bum- Let Me Hear You Say Fixtures!!!

Fixtures Man Also In The Same League As Barry And SheepHead- Now With Death!!!!!! That's All From The MegaShed!!

Bad LAnguage- Vik N Zo Innit!!!

Bad Language Is The Hottest New Soap On The Block- With Viki and Zoe- Vik N Zo!!!!!!!!!

Luther Blissett Stand

This Is Where The Kop Sit- Along With The Lovely Soccerette!!!!!!!

Bada Bada Bada Bada Bada Bada BING!!

Jus Fort I'd Stick Dat On 4 Tim- Bada Bada Bada Bada Bada Bada BING!


Soccer AM